Sat outside having an 'oh my god have I really got to spend all evening in your company' drink with my lawyer date, and who walks over to us..? Dislikey and his bird-of-the week.
A character straight out of 'Big Momma's House', the Jennifer Hudson, pre-baby diet, lookalikey was apparently best buddies with my date. Oh how I loved watching the 3 of them squirming like wriggly worms. Dislikey was smiling/ grimacing/ cringing so hard I could see the plaque on his teeth.
Double date anyone? Nice idea, until I remembered that Dislikey has an 'I'm on the state benefits' budget and the charisma of Steve 'snooker' Davis minus the talent, and that my date was 5'10" going on shorter than me with my heels on - ie a 5' 6" stunt-muffin, and that Big Momma would probably use me as a toothpick after she'd eaten her soup, starter, antipasti, fish course, main, dessert, cheeseboard, whippy liqueur coffees with double cream, choccy mints, and before-bed pork pie snack
So why didn't we get a text so we could have come and watched!!!!